Mrs. Eichelberger's Schedule

Mondays @ Heights

Currently the 4th and 5th grade math groups are working on algebra. We will be utlizing Hands-On Equations, Discovery Education and Envision resources as we work on Common Core State Standards and Mathematical Thinking to collaborate, explore, and understand algebra deeply.

The 5th grade reading group is reading the classic story of Treasure Island using 21st Century applications to support and scaffold learning. I am using the model of a Flipped Classroom to guide their reading. I meet with students each Monday where I address any misconceptions, explain new technology, revise writing, and provide an overview of assignments. The rest of my instruction is posted through Edmodo, a secure learning environment. Students are reading 4-5 chapters a week. The complex text is supported through teacher made videos, YouTube, Wordle, Voki, Wallwisher, Voice Thread and even more. I am learning more than the kids, I think! Students complete their assignments in their regular classes and at home. I grade everything online. It's especially fun to find a student online when I am! Although I have had to tell some students it is too late to be up on the computer!

4th Graders are reading a novel with Idaho connections to complement their study of Idaho History in the classroom, Thunder Rolling in the Mountains.  The class will also be reading non-fiction accounts of the Nez Perce war and compare similarities and differences between historical fiction and informational text. We will be using some technology applications because we meet in Modular Lab 2 and have the access, with the intent to Flip their classroom later in the year.
Tuesdays @ Purple Sage   
The 4th/5th advanced reading groups have been working on short stories, fables, myths, and poetry to make generalizations, which is an abstract concept that helps students connect deep understandings of stories. We will finish up with this work in a few weeks and move on to reading a novel. Perhaps, they will be working through Edmodo as well.

Mr. Fackrell's advanced math group keeps me on my toes. They work at a quick pace, ask great questions, and are driven to excel.

Wednesdays @ MMS
Miss Young and I recently changed our schedule so we could be at MMS on Wednesdays with the hope we can truly assist MMS teachers in supporting gifted and advanced students.
Thursdays @ Mill Creek
I get to start my day with some fun fourth graders. We have been working on Greek number prefixes and noticed they were close to numbers in English, Spanish, French and German. Knowing our number prefixes will help us understand concepts in math and science better but who knew they could help us write poetry? We recently began writing couplets, triplets, quartrains, and cinquains. I will be sure to post them when they are ready.

The 5th grade mathematicians always show up ready to learn. This is an inquisitive and intelligent bunch. They want to work at a deep, meaningful level. I enjoy setting up the problem, providing an essential question and learning objective, and then guiding their instruction as they work together to solve complex problems, explore mathematical properties and explain thinking.

Right after lunch I head to the classroom of Mrs. Dux for reading intervention. We are using the Jacob's Ladder curriculum to make generalizations about short stories, fables, myths and poetry. This group is really getting good at looking at short reading pieces and finding the abstract conceptual understandings in them.

Finally, I head over to Mrs. Legg's 5th grade reading intervention. We just finished up The Cay by Theodore Thomas. We analzyed the structure of literature and used the non-fiction text Hurricanes to examine non-fiction text structures. We also implemented other Common Core State Standards as we responded to the story and used evidence to support our thinking. Their reading response journals were fantastic as well as their plot lines, structure sorts, and characterization compare/contrast activities. We will begin new work next quarter.

 Fridays @ the Office