Friday, December 2, 2011

Wow! Look at Learning on Apangea!

Mrs. Ingersoll and I are so impressed with the number of kids who are earning (learning) in Apangea.  Your points are proof!  The following students have the overall, highest accululated points from the beginning of the school year until now.  Way to go!

5th grade
Cortney Broyles 30,345 points
4th grade
McKayla Walker 31,507 points
3rd grade
Kegan Morin 32,422
Class (most points for a class in whole school):
Total of 368,730 goes to Mr. Kershaw's 4th graders!
5th grade
Valerie Henderson 20,629 points
4th place
Bryce Martin 23,546 points
3rd place
Grace Redding 5,868 points
Class (most points for a class in whole school):
Total of 258,405 points goes to Mrs. Eichelberger's 4/5 graders!
PSE5th grade
Haley Robinette 35,372 points

4th grade
Cristian Yeakley 28,778  points
3rd grade
Isaac Yeakley 43,367 points

Class (most points for a class in whole school):
Total of 196,697 goes to Mr. Fackrell's 4/5 graders!
It's so cool seeing kids choose math!  Keep it up.  We are looking forward to taking the yearlong winners to lunch in May.