There are some very basic (and yet complex) elements to creativity. Each can be nurtured and developed in all of any age. Here are the basics.
Originality is the ability to notice the one idea that is completely new and different from what's been generated. You know the Super Bowl commercial that everyone waits for and talks about more than the game? Advertisers love this because they have nailed originality.
I've seen a few people struggle with this one, especially Type As. Flexibility is the ability to stretch and bend and make an idea work or to adjust the idea when you are thrown a curve ball. Often, flexibility leads to an even better product.
These are the basic elements of creativity that we are trying to build into your child's vocabulary, math, writing, reading, art, and other instruction. We think that there is power in a child's ability to grow their creativity in many areas. case there are a few who this creativity is just for the artistic and crafty, here a a few words from Coach Pete. Click on the picture for the link. It's a great article on creativity and football.
Miss Young