Friday, November 25, 2011

What Did You Think?

Did anyone get to see "Hugo" during the Thanksgiving Break?  What did you think?  We'd love to hear your review.  Email and let us know.

Miss Young and Mrs. Ingersoll

Friday, November 18, 2011

Please check out our new page!  We will be "capturing" the math thinking of Middleton kids and posting examples of their strategies.  We hope that this will become a reference for parents when they are trying to help with homework, but are feeling 'out of the loop' on what their child is expected to show in their work.

We will be posting strategies as we find them in student work.  Let us know if you have a particular strategy that you would like to see.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Many of you have inquired about Apangea.  Heights Elementary is hosting an Apangea Parent Night on Thursday, December 1st at 6:30.  Marisa Alan, our Apangea representative, will share the program and answer questions.  GT Parents from Mill Creek Elementary and Purple Sage Elementary are invited also.  Please join us!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Announcing a new and fun way to share books.  Each month (or so) we will be posting new books for kids to read and then share their opinions.  This book club is open to all GT/Advanced kids, friends and classmates.  They may read one or all of the books.  For younger children, adults should feel free to read the books aloud or together.

After the books have been read, please send comments, opinions and a star rating of 0-5 to Miss Young at  I will contact parents before posting their child's comments and will only include a first name of the child on the blog.  Kids can check back at the blog to see what others have said.

For more information and to see the November/December books, check out the page link on the right.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Great Ideas From Parents

We are pleased to announce that the Middleton School District GT Program has a new Parent Advisory Group!  The GT Parent Advisory Groups supports the program facilitators as thinking and planning partners.  They give input about the vision and goals  and share honestly about questions and concerns.  These parents represent all of the schools and grade levels.  In our first two meetings they have given the GT Program many creative ideas for improving communication and services for gifted and advanced students. 

Please always feel free to contact Miss Young or Mrs. Ingersoll with questions or concerns or contact your home school and leave a message for one of these GT Parent Advisory members.

Many thanks to this group for their direct and timely comments and inquiries!

Jody Meine - Mill Creek/Middle School
Melisa LaPrath - Mill Creek/Middle School
April Chaney - Middleton Heights/Middle School
Cindy Winkle - Middleton Heights/Middle School
Jenny Easley - Middleon Heights/Middle School
Melissa McPherson - Purple Sage/Middle School

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Invention of Hugo Cabret - The Movie! In 3-D!

Many of the kids might not know that I love to go to the movies.  My family's dealership is next to an old, restored theater that my dad and uncle worked at when I was a child and where I peddled popcorn and Dots at when I was in junior high and high school.  I see a lot of movies.  I drag friends and family to kids' movies...and often they are happy they went.  Yesterday I saw the first commercial for the movie HUGO, based on Brian Selznick's book The Invention of Hugo Cabret, and produced by Marin Scorsese.  Check out the trailer at the link above.  After finishing Wonderstruck just recently, I'm looking forward to this movie and thought your family might be too.  Let me know what you think.

Miss Young